Google Find My Device- Best App for Tracking Location Of Devices

Google Find My Device is an application categorized under “Tools” in Google play store. This application is developed by Google LLC. The content in the application is rated 3+. The application is compatible with smartphones with android version 4.0 and above. The application was updated last on November 16, 2018. The latest build of the application is 2.3.008. The size of the application is 3.5 Mb. This application has more than 50,000,000 installs and has been reviewed by more than 650,000 users. The application has a 4.5 rating out of 5 in the Google play store.

Smart phones have become a necessity of life. The constant technological innovations and advancements in the field of cellular devices have made Smart phones as capable as a modern computer. Smartphone users have unlimited options when it comes to utility of their devices. In today’s world a person’s entire life is saved in his/her cellular device this includes private pictures, bank information, personal messages etc. the security of such data has become an area of major concern, this is where Find my device application comes into play.

Find my device is an application that allows users to track and locate lost android devices. “To err is to human”, even if we are really careful there is a chance for you to lose your Smartphone. There can even be a chance of theft. With Google’s Find my device application the user can locate the lost device; the application also keeps your device in complete lockdown and keeps the user’s data safe while the user searches for it.

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Features :-

1. The application locates the user’s phone, tablet or watch on a map. If the current location of the device is not available the application will show the last known location of the Smartphone.

2. The application allows users to play an alert sound at full volume even if the device is silent. This is an especially useful feature in case of theft. The sound of the alert will help confirm the location of the phone and will allow users to be sure about accusing the thief.

3.The application can lock as well as erase data remotely. It can also be programmed to show custom messages and contact information on lock screen. The application lets users to sign out of their Google account remotely. You can effectively stop people from stealing your personal information such as credit card details.

4.Use indoor maps feature allows users to search for their lost phone in large buildings, malls, airports or any other larger indoor area. Also it is useful if you have misplaced the phone somewhere around your own house.

To utilize this application effectively, permission must be given to the application to access location and contacts at all times.

In conclusion Find my device is highly recommended for anyone with a Smartphone, the features of this application allows its user to feel safe and secure while saving important information on their cellular devices.