Tango is an app to broadcast live videos. This application is categorised under social in Google play store. This app is developed by Tango Inc and its contents are applicable for individuals aged 12 and above. Tango is compatible with smart phones with Android version 4.4 and up. The app is last updated on 15th November 2019. The current version of the app is 6.13.239299 and it has already got 1,000,000,000+ installs. The app size varies with device. It has been reviewed by 3,830,791 users and has got a 4.4 rating in the Google play store.
The app has got many interactive elements. Users can interact with each other and they can share location. The app has the option for digital purchase also. Tango is best used for full time broadcasting and to engage with fans. The app helps to earn money by showcasing the hobbies using Tango Live. The user can promote his talents in an innovative way. Users of app publish their dancing skills, play live games, introduce new recipes, promote new music, show off their singing skills and exchange gifts from fans for real cash etc.
The app can be used for viewing purpose also. The user can follow his favourite broadcasters and chat with them live. He can give a gift to his beloved performers to show the support and become a VIP to get special status. This exclusive app allows to be in touch with old friends and to make new ones and earn money by sharing real life stories. The app is very easy to handle. Simply open it, go live and get money. The app is used to showcase any talents or hobbies like singing, dancing, acting, cooking, travelling and gaming. More viewers one get more popular he becomes. He can top the ‘leaderboard’ to become #1. Tongo app has new and popular broadcasts streaming 24 hrs a day. The app allows to have live chats with talented people around the globe and can be the first one to know when they go live.
Tongo app can be used to have live public or private chats with friends. It is possible to create group video or message chats. Filters are in-built in the app for added fun. The can be used to send gifts in the form of cute kitties, dogs, hearts, cars, pearls, emojis and other special items. The app permits to have personalized features to create personal profile, to share special stories and promote events on the personal profile enabling everyone to see it.